Syllabus & Grading


•Grading is based on learning and focuses on different outcomes throughout the semester. Final grades are based on the completion of the outcomes (graded from 0-4). See example of a student’s grades below.

•The course will have 4 major projects, and multiple exams throughout.

•The Final Project will be a group design project.

Final Grade is based only on:

Standards graded on a 0-4 scale. They come from:

2 Exams w/ Retakes

1 Final

Multiple Engineering Projects (around 4)

Final Engineering Project

Various Quizzes

Group Projects

Group projects occur throughout the semester. You will be required to work in a group, present in person, and upload collaborative documents.


The exams are open book, open note, open Canvas.

Exams are graded on a 0-4 scale and the final grade is calculated using this scale as well. For example, you can score a maximum of 4 points on an exam. Note: At Chabot College, there are no +/- grades for final grades.

What about Points in an Exam or Assignment?

Assignments are graded on a 0-4 scale. If you want to know the difference between A+ and A- for example, the grade changes in 0.5 steps. See tables on the following pages. For example, someone gets a test grade back. Their grade would be an A+ if their score was anywhere between from 3.5 to 4.0, and an A- if their score was anywhere between a 3.0 to 3.5.